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The weakness or strength of a childhood

13 Dec

I read on a friends blog today an interesting question, she asked if you get weaker by always living a “secure” life, you know happy home, both parents, food on the table, getting nice presents for Christmas. Who will take a crisis better? the person who has always lived a happy and safe life or the person who has had to fight for life. And honestly I think both persons have the same capability to deal with it, because we all have God. Some persons just make it even though they have a terrible childhood, they fight and hold back the tears, because they have learned that they are strong and can make it. And some people make it because they have a happy childhood to fall on, and other people just can’t…. and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s okay to give your problems to God, you don’t have to carry them. He can be the strong base you stand on. He is our strength and we need to learn to go to him let him deal with it, and when we do that I think we can make it trough any crisis despite our background.

Psalm 91 and Bible at night.

9 Dec

Today I woke up and my computer was reading from the bible, it had been doing that the whole night. I’ve had sleeping problems the last months so I decided to listen to the Bible when I was going to bed because it usually calms me down and eases my anxiety. Apparently I fell a sleep somewhere after the ten first psalms.
And now when getting ready for bed I noticed that one of my favorite Psalms existed as a song. I think I will listen to that while falling asleep.

God thank you for this week. You’re amazing, you love me unconditionally and you know what I need. You know what I’ve been going through. You see my pain and you let me take my time, you know me.


1 Dec

Love. How is it that love is so powerful, why is it that love endures everything, and what do you do when you need that love to stop? When your feelings make you go blind, when you find yourself hurt and lost, but still the love remains, why can it not let go, why can it not set you free. Why does it hurt but doesn’t break, why does it crumble but still remains. But if love did not endure, I guess it would not be love. Love